Published Jul 4, 2017


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Tania Pérez Bustos



This article aims to present a review of some of the digital technologies designed around artisanal weaving, embroidery, and sewing practices. This review seeks to identify the tensions and points of contact that exist  between the knowledge associated to textiles and crafts, and that related to technology and computer science. Specifically, this article focuses on three types of information technology design: firstly, one oriented to the construction of digital repositories of artisanal textile practices; secondly, the development of tangible user interfaces inspired by the materiality of textile goods; and, finally, in initiatives that, in order to devise digital technologies, focus on the creative potential of the languages-materials of artisanal textile production. This article concludes with a solid reflection on the possibilities of co-learning that emerge from the encounters that happen to take place between digital technology and artisanal weaving or embroidery.


digital technologies, artisanal embroidery and weaving, knowledge dialoguetecnologías digitales, bordado y tejido artesanal, diálogo de saberestecnologias digitais, rendado e tecelão artesanal, diálogo de saberes

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How to Cite
Pérez Bustos, T. (2017). Stringing Together Digital Technologies and Artisanal Weaving or Sewing Processes: A Critical Practice Review. Signo Y Pensamiento, 36(70), 14–34.