Published Apr 17, 2018


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Ágata Pereira

Carolina Gonçalves



Teaching integrated arts motivates students and supports language acquisition because it integrates reading, writing and oral activities, allowing students to benefit from interdisciplinary experiences between language and art (Haust, 2008; Faisal y Wulandari, 2013).

The Portuguese School is currently linguistically and socially diverse, integrating students from about 120 nationalities. For these students to acquire skills in Portuguese is a complex task because the language of schooling is not, in most cases, their mother tongue (Wang y Wen, 2002; Silva y Gonçalves, 2011).

With this background, this paper presents an action research project, of inclusive and transdisciplinary nature, developed in disadvantaged and multilingual contexts and the main focus of this study was: (i) to improve the development of writing skills through art in a non-native language students and (ii) to increase the development of writing skills in native students, but who are from disadvantaged socio-economic contexts. We worked with children in 3th grade of the primary school in a writing intervention program during 9 months writing a descriptive text using arts and they were evaluated in pre- and post-test in which they were asked to write a descriptive text following a piece of art.

The results obtained in the post-test showed improvements in overall performance of students, writing longer texts with markers of macro and microstructure of descriptive texts, particularly students of Portuguese second language in writing production and vocabulary enrichment.


language didactics, writing, descriptive text, multilingual contextdidáctica del lenguaje, escritura, texto descriptivo, contexto multilingüedidática da língua, escrita, texto descritivo, contexto multilingue

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How to Cite
Pereira, Ágata, & Gonçalves, C. (2018). Writing Learning Using the Description of Works of Art in a Multilingual Context. Signo Y Pensamiento, 36(71), 82–97.
Dossier Writing Research Across Borders