Published Apr 17, 2018


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Paula Carlino



This paper reexamines data from three GICEOLEM studies, which focus on how writing and reading are included in different courses in higher education. On one side, a national survey results showed two modes of dealing with reading and writing in different courses: peripheral and intertwined.

On another side, by means of observational studies, in History and Biology, the analysis of teaching situations in which teachers and students talk about what has been read or written allowed to identify, in turn, two variants of the intertwined mode: reading and writing as a means or as an end of instruction.

Class observations transcripts enabled to characterize teaching practices and triangulate them with what was declared by professors in the survey. Our aim is to contribute to the debate on academic literacy instruction, offering a more detailed picture on how, why and what for reading and writing practices are dealt with across the curriculum.


Academic literacy instruction, Teaching, Disciplines, Reading, WritingAlfabetizacao académica, Ensino, Disciplinas, Leitura, EscritaAlfabetización académica, Enseñanza, Disciplinas, Lectura, Escritura

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How to Cite
Carlino, P. (2018). Two Variants of Academic Literacy When Reading and Writing are Interlaced in Academic Subjects. Signo Y Pensamiento, 36(71), 16–32.
Dossier Writing Research Across Borders