Published May 29, 2012


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Pedro Gilberto Gomes S.J.



A major challenge we live in today is the definition and establishment of communication object. This paper aims to discuss the issue both as object of the methodology in media processes. We say that the object precedes the method. We can not choose a method if the object is unknown. That takes a little appealed on the issue of method in social sciences and their relationship with the object. The importance of this discussion in the field of communication is related to the problem of today still no clarity about which is the subject of communication. With the emergence of media processes, are called to relate the macro and micro social phenomena.


Journalism, scientific ---- 21th century, Science and technology, Science popularization, Journalists.Metodologia em Ciências Sociais, Comunicação Social, Comunicação Social.Metodología en ciencias sociales, Comunicación social, Medios de comunicación de masas, Método, objeto, metodología, procesos mediáticos, mediatización

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How to Cite
Gomes S.J., P. G. (2012). Methodology in Media Processes. Signo Y Pensamiento, 30(59), 50–59.