Published Sep 15, 2010


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Jesús Alberto Andrade Castro



This paper examines the development of information technologies in Venezuela and how the discursive element legitimizes its own use; to do so, three types of discourse are identified (technological determinism, technological democracy, and technological nationalism.) Based on the fundamental assumption that hegemony is an ideological process in a permanent quest for power, it uses discourse to legitimize itself. We examine how, in Venezuela, concurrently with other state policies that attempt the construction of a communication model based on information technologies, the technical discourse “pervades” environments where the ict’s can legitimize their existence in order to establish an ideological hegemony in society.


Discourse, Information technologies, Power, Hegemony, Globalization.Discurso, Tecnologias da informação, Poder, Hegemonia, Globalização .Discurso, Tecnologías de la información, Poder, Hegemonía, Globalización.

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How to Cite
Andrade Castro, J. A. (2010). Discourse and Communication in Venezuela: From Determinism toTechnological Nationalism. Signo Y Pensamiento, 29(57), 342–352.