Published Nov 12, 2019


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María del Pilar Correa Silva



This article outlines the process of adapting the Rorschach test as a tactile modality. It intends to confirm and pinpoint whether a blind person is able to recognize and locate aperceptions described by third parties, based on visual-tactile patterns, through the embodiment of the morphological features found in the ink spots in the test. This applied research used an analysis matrix based on the Peircean semiotics to identify and confirm the possibility to substitute the different morphological elements constituting the plastic sign: texture, color and contour, and putting them in a tactile version. The results showed the possibility to change the representational format for the recognition of the atractors and to catch, under a different sensory modality, the qualia as mental representations of the perceptual and interpretative qualities of the spots. It will be considered as a material proposal for the inclusive education.


Rorschach test, inclusive education, tactile perception, blindness, plastic signteste de Rorschach, educação inclusiva, percepção tátil, cegueira, sinal plásticotest de Rorschach, educación inclusiva, percepción táctil, ceguera, signo plástico

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How to Cite
Correa Silva, M. del P. (2019). An Interpretation of the Active Touch based on the Morphological Study of the Rorschach Test and its Adaptation under the Perspective of Education. Signo Y Pensamiento, 38(75).