Published Nov 12, 2019


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María Medina - Vicent



This article intends to reflect on the main traits of the management literature by putting special emphasis on the ability to adapt oneself to the historic changes in the economic system, so that the contemporary subjectivities may fit the needs in this system. To attain this aim, this document explores the storytelling potential in these works regarding the way they provide behavior prescriptions to the readers, and focuses on the moral arguments prevailing in the management discourse nowadays as well as the process of commodification and formation of a new neoliberal subject it contributes to.


management literature, solid capitalism, liquid society, neoliberalism, neoliberal subjectliteratura gerencial, capitalismo sólido, sociedade líquida, neoliberalismo, sujeito neoliberalliteratura gerencial, capitalismo sólido, sociedad líquida, neoliberalismo, sujeto neoliberal

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How to Cite
Medina - Vicent, M. (2019). The Evolution of the Discourse on Business Management through the Management Literature. Towards the Constitution of a Neoliberal Subject. Signo Y Pensamiento, 38(75).