Published Jun 22, 2022


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Sandra Soler Castillo

Ángela Gutiérrez Castro



This research draws on the practice architecture theory as a lens to study pedagogical practices. Procedures were based on participatory action research aiming at comprehending and transforming visual arts pedagogical practices. It is argued that such practices constitute the youth subject throughout the collaborative creation of alternative communication channels for social change. Findings test the theory to explain praxis as part of visual arts students’ experiences and intersubjective relationships at a state junior high school in Bogota-Colombia. The study proposes new visual pedagogies. They are related to the configuration of sight in connection to 1) well-sayings configured by otherness principles, 2) well-doings examining ethical and aesthetic reasons and 3) well-relatings establishing links to freedom commitment. This approach makes it possible to transit towards transformative pedagogical practices.


prácticas pedagógicas, artes visuales, investigación acción, jóvenespedagogical practices, visual arts, research action, youthpráticas pedagógicas, artes visuais, pesquisa ação, jovens

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How to Cite
Soler Castillo, S., & Gutiérrez Castro, Ángela. (2022). The Pedagogical Practices of the Visual Arts from the Architecture of Practices. Signo Y Pensamiento, 40(79).