Published Jun 22, 2022


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Paula Andrea Barreiro Posada



In this article, based on cartographic exercises besides comparative and content analysis, we established a canon of the western cinema that we later confronted with productions of the same genre in South America. We have found that filmmakers of the region made stylistic and narrative translations adapted to the geographic settings and the socio-political processes of their countries, adding layers of meaning to the notion of genre. The visualization of 108 South American westerns allowed us to measure the discrepancies with the canon. The peasant is the seminal character of the South American western, the strong presence of his historical and socio-political environments, prove that in the region there was no attempt to copy the American referent, hence the representation of patriotism is considered divergent. The results that we present correspond to the two countries with the highest number of films belonging to the genre in question: Brazil and Argentina.


western films, South America, narrative and aesthetic appropriation, cultural cannibalismcine wéstern, Sudamérica, apropiación narrativa y estética, canibalismo culturalcinema faroeste, América do Sul, apropriação narrativa e estética, canibalismo cultural

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How to Cite
Barreiro Posada, P. A. (2022). From Cowboy to Peasant: Cultural Appropriation of Western Cinema in South America as a Patriotic Construction. Signo Y Pensamiento, 40(79).