Published Jul 25, 2022


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Manuel Palencia-Lefler



There is an important body of scientific research that has studied the soundtrack -voice, music and sound effects- in audiovisual advertising communication, especially the role played by music in the process of attracting the consumer’s attention. Few studies, however, have examined advertising soundtracks when they are presented through silence as a creative resource in commercials. Few studies, however, have examined the advertising soundtrack when it is presented through silence as a creative resource in spots. Is it possible to give content to silence, to fill it with meaning? The central motive for using silence in advertising should be to increase the consumer’s attention and ability to retain the message. Undoubtedly, an appropriate use of silence can reconcile aesthetics and concept in favor of the advertising objective.


silence, communication, advertising, audiovisual, creativitysilencio, comunicación, publicidad, audiovisual, creatividadsilêncio, audiovisual, comunicaçâo, publicidade, creatividade

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How to Cite
Palencia-Lefler, M. (2022). Uses of Silence in Audiovisual Advertising:: A Creativity Perspective. Signo Y Pensamiento, 41.