Published Sep 15, 2009

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Guillermo Hoyos Vásquez



Under the title "ethics and communication", multiple topics are grouped today, as shown precisely by the publication that we are prefacing. For example: what is the social responsibility of the communicator, the owner of the media with the communicators and the latter with the owners? What responsibility does the media, its owners and journalists in general face with certain interpretation of the surveys? The recent case of Claudia López and the newspaper El Tiempo or the thesis of President Álvaro Uribe on the state of opinion as a higher phase of democracy would suffice to illustrate the pertinence of the topic from different perspectives.


Ethics, Communication, Social responsibility of the media.Ética, Comunicación, Responsabilidad social de los medios de comunicación.Ética, Comunicação, Responsabilidade social da mídia.

Bernstein, R. (1985), “Introduction”, en Habermas and Modernity, Oxford, Cambridge: Polity Press, 1985, pp. 11-15. (En español: Habermas y la modernidad, Madrid, Tecnos, 1987).

Habermas, J. (1973-1975), “Conocimiento e interés”, Hoyos, G. (trad.), en: Ideas y Valores, núms. 42-45, pp. 61-76.

— (1982), Conocimiento e interés, Madrid, Taurus.

— (1985a), “9. Ein Fragment (1977): Objektivismus in den Sozialwissenschaften“, en J. Habermas, Zur Logik der Sozialwissenschaften, Frankfurt a. M., Suhrkamp, 1985, pp. 541-607 [En español: Lógica de las ciencias sociales, Madrid, Tecnos, 1990].

— (1985b), Der Philosophische Diskurs der Moderne, Frankfurt, a. M., Suhrkamp, p. 395 [En español].
How to Cite
Hoyos Vásquez, G. (2009). The necessary complementarity between ethics and communication. Signo Y Pensamiento, 28(55), 18–29. Retrieved from