Published Mar 2, 2021

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Carolina Santamaría Delgado



Aiming to overcome the characteristic sentimental discourse used in the literature on bolero in Colombia, this article explores this musical genre as a cultural product linked to the phonographic industry, radio broadcasting, and the film industry. Combining archival research and data collected in various interviews, the author explores the reception and consumption of bolero in Medellín between 1930 and 1950 with the purpose to analyze the listening practices that bring about bolero’s deep root in popular tastes.


Bolero, Cultural consumption, broadcasting, Social classes, cosmopolitanBolero - Colombia, Consumo cultural - Colombia, Radiodifusión - Colombia

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How to Cite
Santamaría Delgado, C. (2021). Bolero and radio broadcasting: Cosmopolitanism and social differentiation in Medellín (1930-1950). Signo Y Pensamiento, 27(52), 16–30. Retrieved from (Original work published April 15, 2008)