Published Apr 15, 2007

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José Arias Ordóñez

Hernando Cruz Mesa

Adriana J. Ordóñez Paz

Liliana M. Herrera Soto


This article features two approaches related to Knowledge Management, as well as it shows the development and transformation of the processes for knowledge production. Similarly, it shows how, bared on the learning and application of management theories, knowledge management becomes a key resource for companies. Finally, some aspects of the application of a knowledge management model for research processes are discussed.

Conocimiento, Capital Intelectual, Gestión del conocimiento, Información, Teoría de Recursos y Capacidadesknowledge, intellectual capital, knowledgemanagement, information, informational pyramid theory, resource and capacities theory, theory of new knowledge creation, new technologie of information and communication

How to Cite
Arias Ordóñez, J., Cruz Mesa, H., Ordóñez Paz, A. J., & Herrera Soto, L. M. (2007). Settings where the Management of Knowledge and Intellectual Capital Reside in the Midst of Research Processes. Signo Y Pensamiento, 25(50), 62–83. Retrieved from