Published Nov 28, 2016


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Juan Alberto Casas Ramírez



The pericope of the healing/vocation of the blind “son of Timaeus” by the one he calls “son of David” becomes a climatic point of the narrative plot of Mark’s Golpel. It is clearly a discipular account which develops the literary form of miracle and vocation. As an account of miracle, the text proposes a contrast between the blindness and the discipular misunderstanding that has been growing along the “section of the path” (Mk 8:27–10,45) and which has not been healed. As an account of vocation, the text reveals the discipular paradigm of the unconditional following of the Lord along the way toward the cross, in contrast with the disciples’s resistance to accept the implications of following the way.


Exegesis of the New Testament, Gospel according to Mark, Discipleship, Miracle, Vocation, BartimaeusExégesis del Nuevo Testamento, Evangelio según Marcos, discipulado, milagro, vocación, Bartimeo

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How to Cite
Casas Ramírez, J. A. (2016). The Encounter of Two Sons, the “Son of Timaeus” and the “Son of David”: Exegetical Approach of the Healing of Bartimaeus (Mk 10:46-52). Theologica Xaveriana, 66(182).