Published Dec 1, 2006

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Jefferson Jaramillo Marin


This article presents a case study of some of the dynamics and social impacts of two different processes of urban relocation. The article analyzes the implications of a temporary relocation process and a definitive establishment of a group of families, victims of forced displacement in the municipality of Tuluá (Valle del Cauca, Colombia). The research discusses the issue related to the urban reestablishment process for people that are victims of displacement and how this process produces representations that generate forms of classification and social identities among displaced and historically poor segments of the population.

Desplazamiento forzado, reubicación urbana, restablecimiento, tejido social, marginalidad urbanaforced displacement, urban relocation, reestablishment, social net, urban marginality

How to Cite
Jaramillo Marin, J. (2006). Relocation and Reestablishment in the City – Case Study of a Displaced Population. Universitas Humanística, 62(62). Retrieved from