Published Dec 30, 2022


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Natalia Duque Cardona

Alderlan Wellington de Oliveira Silva



 The article presents an exercise of reflection, whose purpose is to question, in political, ethical and epistemic terms, the place of geographical/territorial enunciation framed in the Global South, raised from the cultural studies to the social and human sciences, in the last decade, as a conceptual axis to advance in the understanding of social phenomena. A journey is made through the notion of territory, configured as a space not limited geographically, but as a field of disputes around scientific knowledge and the symbolic configuration of the world. In particular, it explores the ways of naming what we know today as Latin America: Indoamerica, Abya-Yala, Africa and Ñamerica, with the intention of exploring how these modes of enunciation make visible new forms or other forms of knowledge that have been made invisible. It also shows the reason why sciences such as librarianship and information science are distanced from Ibero-America.


Abya-Yala, Latinoamérica, territorio, Ñamérica, AméfricaAbya-Yala, Latin America, territory, Ñamérica, AméfricaAbya-Yala, Latino-América, território, Ñamérica, Améfrica

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How to Cite
Duque Cardona, N., & Wellington de Oliveira Silva , A. (2022). Latin America, Abya-Yala, Africa, Ñamerica: From Where do we Speak?. Universitas Humanística, 91.