Published Sep 19, 2013

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Dominique Vinck



This paper presents a general discussion on the topic of Digital Humanities (DH) understood as a scientific and technological field that is being built worldwide and in which we should think, from the beginning, on the issue of relations between some research centers in the North that propel this field and others that follow the movement. To found this reflection it retakes the analysis of the role of Science and Technology (S & T) in the development and in a more precise way it observe what happens or what could happen in the field of DH.



Digital Humanities, homestead, science and technologyHumanidades digitais, Apropriação, C&THumanidades digitales, Apropiación, CyT

How to Cite
Vinck, D. (2013). Cultures and digital humanities as a new challenge for the development of science and technology in Latin America. Universitas Humanística, 76(76). Retrieved from