Published Nov 30, 2017


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Juan Camilo Contreras Jaramillo



The intellectual property system that we know today is a complex web of explanations and rules that originated in the historical and philosophical context of the XVIII century. Hence, legal positivism and formalism shaped their tools to fit the human creations and inventions as a kind of property right. Because of the adaptation process we find that the traditional structure of intellectual property corresponds to the same structure of property rights, where its most relevant characteristic is the property rule regarding these kind of rights: exclusive – excluding.   


Intellectual property, positivism, formalism, property rulesPropiedad intelectual, positivismo, formalismo, reglas de propiedad


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How to Cite
Contreras Jaramillo, J. C. (2017). The Theoretical Apparatus of Intellectual Property´s Traditional System. Vniversitas, 66(135), 99–130.