Published Sep 24, 2018


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David Martínez Rincón



This paper argues that there is a thread in the philosophy of E. Tugendhat binding together his moral and justice theories with his conceptual analysis. Oriented by the thesis that a conceptual analysis is necessary to explain what justice is, this paper reconstructs some aspects of Tugendhat’s philosophy. It is divided in four sections: First, I delve into the author’s definition and use of conceptual analysis. Second, I describe some features of Tugendhat’s moral theory of contractualism. Third, I examine his theory of justice. Fourth, I conclude by framing my analysis within the debate between Rawls’s and Tugendhat’s theories of justice.


theory of justice; contractualism; equality; good; dutyteoría de la justicia; contractualismo; igualdad; bueno; deber

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How to Cite
Martínez Rincón, D. (2018). Remarks about some Aspects of the Philosophy of Ernst Tugendhat. Universitas Philosophica, 35(71), 351–377.