Published Jun 30, 2023


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David Martínez Rincón



This text analyzes Finnis’s theory of ethical naturalism and its relevance to the foundation of law, in order to point out how the ideas of this author provide an alternative to iuspositivism. In his work Natural Law and Natural Rights, Finnis proposes an ethics of practical rationality that demonstrates the possibility of making objective judgments about the good and reasoning about goodness. In this sense, practical rationality acquires a fundamental role in the foundation of law and right, since it implies making decisions about actions in a way that is consistent with objective moral principles. In order to facilitate the dialogue and understanding of Finnis’s  theory, it is discussed in relation to the perspectives of Tughendhat and Habermas.


good, natural right, iuspositivism, natural law, practical reasonbien, derecho natural, iuspositivismo, ley natural, razón práctica

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How to Cite
Martínez Rincón, D. (2023). The Foundation of Law and Right in Finnis’s Ethical Naturalism Understood as Practical Reasonableness. Universitas Philosophica, 40(80), 95–116.