Published Oct 26, 2010

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Carlos Eduardo Fúquene-Retamoso

Hugo Santiago Aguirre-Mayorga

Nazly Bibiana Córdoba-Pinzón



The development of machines tools, elements for process control, robots, computers and communications networks have transformed existing ways of manufacturing into integrated and versatile manufacturing systems. Those industries that need to maintain their position in a competitive level, at the currently information and trade globalization era, are being forced to introduce advanced production technologies achieving flexible manufacturing systems capable of managing transversals company’s processes. This paper shapes the evolution of a Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) towards a Computer Integrated Manufacturing System (CIM) trough the integration process of two systems, a FMS and an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), using a middle tear interface with the purpose of automating the process of sending and receiving production information, to guarantee transparency of data and achieve processes improvement.


Enterprise Resource Planning, Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, Production Management, Flexible Manufacturing Systemsplaneación de recursos empresariales, sistemas de manufactura integrada por computador, administración de la producción, sistemas flexibles de manufactura

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How to Cite
Fúquene-Retamoso, C. E., Aguirre-Mayorga, H. S., & Córdoba-Pinzón, N. B. (2010). Migrating from flexible manufacturing system (FMS) to computer integrated manufacturing center (CIM). Ingeniería Y Universidad, 11(1). Retrieved from

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