Published Oct 30, 2012


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Hugo Santiago Aguirre-Mayorga, MSc

Julio Ernesto Carreño-Vargas, MSc

Carlos Alberto Vega-Mejía, MSc

Johanna Stella Castellanos-Arias, BSc

Yorlemni Paola Hernandez-Martinez, BSc



The aim of this paper is to evaluate different approaches for the integration of an Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP) with a Business Process Management System (BPMS). The integration approaches include a point to point and a broker-based architecture that was evaluated on a sales business process implemented in the ERP system SAP R/3® and the BPMS BizAgi Enterprise®. The results show that the integration driven by a broker provides better performance, requires less effort and increases flexibility.


BPMS, ERP, integration, SOA, web services, SAP, BizAgi, BPMNBPMS, ERP, integración, SOA, servicios web, SAP, BizAgi, BPMN

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How to Cite
Aguirre-Mayorga, H. S., Carreño-Vargas, J. E., Vega-Mejía, C. A., Castellanos-Arias, J. S., & Hernandez-Martinez, Y. P. (2012). Evaluation of integration approaches between ERP and BPM systems. Ingeniería Y Universidad, 16(2), 415.

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