Published Oct 27, 2010


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Carlos Alberto Vega-Mejía, MSc

Juan Pablo Caballero-Villalobos, MSc



This paper shows the results of integrating two meta-heuristic techniques, GRASP and Path-Relinking, which have not been widely used to solve production-scheduling problems despite of their proved efficiency. These techniques were used to solve the problem of minimizing total weighted tardiness problem in a machine, 1 || Σ WjTj, and good results in short time were obtained. Experiment outcomes show that the use of Path-Relinking as a final step for GRASP can result in qualitysequence improvements. In order to use GRASP in the solution to this problem, a dynamic utility function for the jobs to process, bearing in mind its descriptive parameters, is proposed. Additionally, this work offers a clear implementation proposal for ventures of different sizes, so they are able to overcome this problem by using MS Excel, instead of specialized scheduling software.


Production scheduling, GRASP (computer file), times and movementsProgramación de la producción, GRASP (programa para computador), tiempos y movimientos

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How to Cite
Vega-Mejía, C. A., & Caballero-Villalobos, J. P. (2010). Combined Use of GRASP and Path-Relinking during Production Scheduling in order to Minimize Total Weighted Tardiness in a Machine. Ingeniería Y Universidad, 14(1).