Published Jun 25, 2019


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Oscar Mauricio Moreno Escárraga



“Mi Casa Mi Cuerpo”, “La Casa de la Frontera” and “Radio Conversa” are artistic creation proposals that move the poetic and political voice of various communities of Colombia to the forefront by means of aesthetical and affective instruments open to the encounter and elaboration of different views and senses of reality, in the context of the internal armed conflict that the country has gone through over the past few decades, characterized by the complexity of events and by forms of violence. These proposals embrace strategies from contem- porary plastic arts and link them to some practices derived from other academic disciplines as well as from other cultural expressions. In this case, the concepts of vibratil body, archi- ve and poetic image are — mosty — related to autobiography, life stories, domestic and neighborhood experiences, ances- tral knowledge, among others. Based on this fundamental support, “Mi Casa Mi Cuerpo”, “La Casa de la Frontera” and “Radio Conversa” aim to appreciate memory and imaginary processes from communities that have gone through for- ced displacement situations, alienation or exile, in contrast to the mechanisms of social control implemented with war andthe insertion of conditions of existence related to the logic of a world consumed by capital and power. Finally, the journey set out upon making these artistic proposals looks back to the own personal universe, reveals the pressing need for ac- tive subjectivity, permeable to the encounters, conversations, and collective sensibilities as a premise for the advent of the “worlds to come”.



memory, vibratil body, archive, poetic image, micropoliticsmemória, corpo vibrátil, arquivo, imagem poética, micropolíticamemoria, cuerpo vibrátil, archivo, imagen poética, micropolítica

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How to Cite
Moreno Escárraga, O. M. (2019). Poetic practices and micropolitics: “mi casa mi cuerpo”, “la casa de la frontera,” and “radio conversa”. Cuadernos De Música, Artes Visuales Y Artes Escénicas, 14(2), 103–124.