Published Dec 20, 2019


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Catalina Cortés Severino



I want to develop this issue’s invitation to think and reflect on establishing links with different life systems from an approach to certain cultural practices and daily care actions that are configured from a position of fragility and which create solidarity fabrics to inhabit the world and to sustenance. I will develop this argument through two ethnographies that I made in previous years and which now I want to reread and rethink based on these problems. The first fieldwork is the result of a process of audiovisual and ethnographic approach to two social movements: the Peace Community of San José de Apartado and the Wayuu Munsurat Women’s Organization. The second work is an approximation to the processes that emerged from the common claims and demands by women who led the land occupations in the 80s in the San Martin de Porres neighborhood in Bogotá. The questions that guided me throughout this research are: How do these ethnographies push us to rethink and question what we understand about politics from the perspective of care and its possibilities to repair and create different links between territories and bodies? And why is it necessary to have an approach to care and its relationship with sustaining the body and the territories? The actions and coalitions created and generated by these women from a position of vulnerability were aimed at sustaining themselves and surviving, that is, at repairing vital tissues. And this is precisely what interests me, to inquire into this articulation between care - as the need to sustain yourself - and politics - as a way to appropriate the world and reformulate existence.


care, ethnography, daily practices, the political, sustenancecuidado, etnografia, práticas cotidianas, o político, manter a vidacuidado, etnografía, prácticas cotidianas, lo político, mantener la vida

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How to Cite
Cortés Severino, C. (2019). XXX. Cuadernos De Música, Artes Visuales Y Artes Escénicas, 15(1), 34–53.