Published Jan 1, 2021


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Gustavo Domínguez Acosta



All the social groups we know have incorporated various rituals into their popular festive expressions. In that context, music is perhaps the element of greatest transversality of cultural communication, since in religious or profane acts it is present as a container of identity codes of living cultural organisms and, therefore, dynamic. This article, on the one hand, aims to study the meanings incorporated into the collective memory of the musical event in the context of Mompox’s Holy Week and the corraleja festivities in San Juan Nepomuceno, both towns belonging to the department of Bolívar; on the other hand, it aims to reflect on the importance of preserving the rituals of the celebrations through the different elements that make up the immense archive of the cultural memory of those who star in the festivities. The methodology used for this purpose has mainly been ethnographic work, which consists of in situ observation, interviews and personal communications with participants in both celebrations; netnography as a tool for approaching different festive scenarios of similar typologies to those addressed by this research; theoretical analysis of the festival and memory as objects of study for sociology and anthropology, and musical analysis from a semiotic perspective. The results obtained allow us to see how the celebrations of both festivities are relational matrices in which the cultural needs of these Bolivarian populations are expressed through music as a derivative of the ritual dimension. From this, it is concluded that the festival is a stabilizing system for the populations that take part in it thanks to the meanings incorporated in the collective memory of those who benefit from them expressively. Therefore, it requires its preservation through the different archiving mechanisms of modern societies.


música e rituais, feriados tradicionais, Semana Santa e corralejas, identidade e significados, memória e arquivomusic and rituals, traditional festivals, Holy Week and corralejas, identity and meanings, memory and archivemúsica y rituales, fiestas tradicionales, Semana Santa y corralejas, identidad y significados, memoria y archivo

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How to Cite
Domínguez Acosta, G. (2021). Music as a Ritual in the Traditional Festivities of the Department of Bolivar: Identity, Memory and Meanings of the Holy Week of Mompox and the Corralejas of San Juan Nepomuceno. Cuadernos De Música, Artes Visuales Y Artes Escénicas, 16(1), 104–123.