Published Jan 1, 2023


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Paola Helena Acosta Sierra



The artistic plays that refer to the Colombian conflict context provide a meaning field allowing a symbolic interpretation of the events that occurred in the factual reality. Using a hermeneutic analysis, this article starts from the notion of dramatic arch in order to study the links between the transformations occurring in the fiction world and the transformations occurring outside, i.e., the human realities. In this case, it refers to the realities of the communities that have lived in the Chocó territory a long time ago. Chocoan populations have a long history of marginalization and dispossession that can be tracked beyond the recent events and reveals a continuous oppression by foreign powers. This article recognizes such reality and provides a counterpoint comparison between the closed nature of two contemporary dramatic works (Kilele and Arimbato) and the open nature of the social reality. This analysis unveils how the ownership of the land, the public and economic policies protected by owners of large estates, and the exploitation of both the native people and all the natural resources have created structural and deep inequalities that are against the life itself and date back beyond the armed conflict.


contemporary Colombian drama, Chocó, Kilele, Arimbato, art and memory, plays on the conflict, violence in Colombiateatro colombiano contemporáneo, Chocó, Kilele, Arimbato, arte y memoria, dramaturgias del conflicto, violencia en Colombiateatro colombiano contemporâneo, Chocó, Kilele, Arimbato, arte e memória, dramaturgias do conflito, violência na Colômbia

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How to Cite
Acosta Sierra, P. H. (2023). Considerations on the Dramatic Arch of Kilele and Arimbato as Compared to the Factual Dramatic Arch of the Populations Living in Chocó. Cuadernos De Música, Artes Visuales Y Artes Escénicas, 18(1), 28–47.