Published Jan 1, 2024


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Ximena Velásquez Sánchez



The picturesque photography of preto types and anthrometric made in Brazil, same as in other places of America at the end of the 19th century, is analyzed as an instrument for colonial domination and expansion, which served to promote and perpetuate the slavery model by trying to naturalize slave work made by black population, which kept afloat the economy of the kingdoms for over three centuries. For this purpose, an analysis of the use and characteristics of the portrait in Western culture is made, in general, finding that formal and technical aspects are the same but the social role they played was markedly different. This aspect contributed to the exoticization and dehumanization of the black body, characteristics that have survived until our time, promoting racism in our societies. Secondly, the work of Rosana Paulino is analyzed. She looks for a historical reaffirmation of the violence related to slavery from a critical and sensible experience, through the photographical appropriation in the production of works of art. She called this procedure second life of the image, with the interest to underline the political and formal transformation that the photographic archive undergoes within the field of art. It also seeks to examine aspects of photography, such as enlargement, fragmentation, transfer and reproduction, among others, which beyond being a series of formal resources are presented as theoretical and symbolic issues in the production of works of art today.


photography of enslaved people, racism, appropriation of archives, second livesfotografía de esclavizados, racismo, apropiación de archivos, segunda vidafotografia de escravizados, racismo, apropriação de arquivos, segunda vida

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How to Cite
Velásquez Sánchez, X. (2024). Picturesque and anthropometricphotography: an instrument of colonial domination and expansion in the brazilian context and its decolonization through the work of Rosana Paulino. Cuadernos De Música, Artes Visuales Y Artes Escénicas, 19(1), 36–61.