Published Jul 1, 2024


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Fernando Manoel Aleixo

Mariene Perobelli



This article has as its objective to present the process of creation of the play Erê Bebê, produced by the Institute Conexão Erê based in Brazil. This work is aimed at families with babies from 0 to 3 years of age. The creation is the result of creative research both academic and artistic about early childhood. It is supported on phe-nomenology, anthroposophy and the Pikler Approach. Pikler Approach comprehends free movement, autonomy and the bond between adults and babies as the pillars of its proper development. The process describes the phases and paths of the compo-sition, considering the field work carried out through the artistic exchange between Brazil and South Africa. The description of the process poses concepts and principles which can collaborate towards studies and research on child development and artis-tic languages in early childhood.


Theater, infancy, setting, stimuli, mediationsTeatro, Infancia, ambientación, estímulos, mediacionesTeatro, Infância, ambientação, estímulos, mediação

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How to Cite
Aleixo, F. M., & Perobelli, M. (2024). Erê Bebê: artistic experience at the beginning of life. Cuadernos De Música, Artes Visuales Y Artes Escénicas, 19(2), 16–33.