Published Mar 2, 2007

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Rosana Barragán Olarte


The document is the result of a research process developed due to the Colombian Ministry of Culture National Grant for Dance Research in 2006, and it is directed to those interested in the education, the creation and the presentation of dance, as well as other arts and techniques that imply the work with the body. It is presented as an analysis of the different forms of communication, which aim towards causing states of movement. Various tools are suggested for dance teachers, choreographers and, in general, any educator or artist who works with the direction of movement. The research tries to expand the field of study since it finds that the contents do not only concentrate in the field of dance. Therefore, the focus is not reduced to a single viewpoint, but opens its spectrum with an inclusive character.The conceptual base of the investigation is Somatic Education; several somatic modalities are analyzed according to their relation with dance and the communication of movement. The somatic systems promote the importance of stimulating the kinesthetic sense to encourage the re-education of the nervous system. Among the somatic modalities the Alexander Technique is highlighted because its principles can prepare the teacher as well as the student towards deeply connecting to their own bodies and the dynamic process of alignment. Observing as a witness who departs from his own sense of self provides wisdom to suggest in a process of communication. The images go to the intuition; the concepts go to the rational mind; the touch goes directly to the nervous system. The images, the concepts and the touch are media that are perceived, processed and give as result different experiences. The investigation proposes the integrated use of these media to cause thus, in the body, diverse states of movement, directed to the individual and to all the person that constitutes her.

Educación somática, danza, educación de la danza, técnicas de movimiento, Técnica Alexander y danza, lo somático y la danzaSomatic Education, Somatics, Dance, Dance Education, Movement Techniques, Alexander Technique and Dance, Dance and Somatics

How to Cite
Barragán Olarte, R. (2007). El eterno aprendizaje del soma: Análisis de la educación somática y la comunicación del movimiento en la danza. Cuadernos De Música, Artes Visuales Y Artes Escénicas, 3(1), 105–159. Retrieved from