Published Dec 4, 2013


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Efrén Giraldo


This article intends to analyze the novel Distant star by Roberto Bolaño, using concepts as expanded art, avant-garde and neo-avant-garde. It is shown the way in which, through these notions, the process links the novel to a reflection on categories as artistic revolution and political revolution. First of all, the plot lines of the novel and theartist´s features are shown; secondly, avant-garde and expanded art concepts are defined; thirdly,the article considers the way in which the novel portraits the artist as a figure that invert some assumptions given by modern conceptions on art, literature and politics. Finally, it is discussed how interaction between experimental work of art and audience is changed in the mise en scène of theaesthetic experience. It is added some ideas about the intertexts of the XXth century visual arts and artist novel.

Roberto Bolaño, Distant star, art extension, avant-garde, art and power, political revolution, aesthetic revolutionRoberto Bolaño, Estrela distante, extensão artística, vanguarda, arte e poder, revolução política, revolução estéticaRoberto Bolaño, Estrella distante, extensión del arte, vanguardia, arte y poder, revolución política, revolución estética

How to Cite
Giraldo, E. (2013). “A MADNESS EPIPHANY”. EXPANDED ART AND POETIC REVOLUTION IN ROBERTO BOLAÑO’S INFAMOUS ARTIST. Cuadernos De Música, Artes Visuales Y Artes Escénicas, 8(2), 113–136.