Published Dec 28, 2021


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Luis Ramon Perez Valero



During the 2019 protests in Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, and Chile, music was full of political and poetic content as a common song, a symbol of resistance, confrontation, and struggle. The purpose of this paper is to problematize the way in which music was used during the riots in Chile in 2019. For this purpose, we use the concepts of political action, political poetics, and political theater are taken, as well as urban protest and the strategies of confrontation between the collective and the State. Methodologically, a study of three cases is carried out based on netnography, intratextual analysis, and meta-narratives between the musical and audiovisual parameters in the video protest. There is evidence of the resignification of popular music: cumbia as a ritual element in the streets, the song El baile de los que sobran by Los Prisioneros as a resource and strategy of memory and, finally, the video clip Plata ta tá by Mon Laferte as tool of protest in the commercial consumer circuit. As a conclusion, it has been established that the link between music and resistance becomes the symbolic action of art and politics among citizens, which repeals and demands changes in a prevailing political model.


music and protest, resignification of music, social riots in Chilemúsica y protesta, resignificación de la música, revuelta social en Chilemúsica e protesto, ressignificação da música, revolta social no Chile

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Grabación sonido

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How to Cite
Perez Valero, L. R. (2021). Political and Sound Poetics: Past, Present, and Resignification of Popular Music in the Public Uprisings in Chile in 2019. Cuadernos De Música, Artes Visuales Y Artes Escénicas, 17(1), 278–293.