Published Dec 28, 2021


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Fabián Videla Zavala



This paper analyzes a series of stage interventions that took place in public spaces in the political processes that started in Chile in October 2019, specifically in Valparaíso, until they eventually stopped, due to the obvious problems associated with the COVID-19 health crisis. Our main goal will be to investigate the way in which the body breaks into public space through heterogeneous artistic and political practices. To that end, we propose a broader notion of the concept of performativity that includes not only artistic performances, but also non-conventionally artistic events inscribed in the participatory context of the protest. In this sense, we refer to a heterogeneous group of practices as bodily events. Therefore, it will not be about building a general theory of performance, but rather to trace this meeting between thought and body. To develop this thesis, the paper will have two moments: the first one will do a philosophical approach to performance and protest, while the second one will delve further into specific practices that took place in Valparaíso: projects such as scenic barricades or Lastesis reveal an immediate pronouncement by the performing arts regarding the delicate political context. Finally, we will describe some features of recognition in the aesthetic acts addressed: rather than giving a finished image of them, we are interested in analyzing the coherence in their modes of action and circulation.


performatividad, protesta, estallido social en Chile, performance, cuerpoperformativity, protest, social uprising in Chile, performance, bodyperformatividade, protesto, surto social no Chile, performance, corpo

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How to Cite
Videla Zavala, F. (2021). Between Performativity and Protest: Scenic Barricades in the Streets of Valparaíso. Cuadernos De Música, Artes Visuales Y Artes Escénicas, 17(1), 236–249.