Methodology of optimization for decision-making in the biodiesel supply network in Colombia.
This article proposes a methodology for decision-making based on deterministic and stochastic optimization models to design the network for the supply of palm oil and biodiesel in Colombia. It takes account of the projections of technology available to the transportation sector in scenarios of probabilities associated with the demand for biodiesel in each period of the planning horizon. A base scenario is used to determine the opening of bio-refineries, production plans, optimum flows of raw material and finished products through the network, and the percentage of demand met. This methodology is a flexible took that allows lines of action to be defined depending on the conditions of the supply network, supporting strategic and tactical decision-making.
biodiesel, supply network, optimization, analysis of scenarios, planningrede de fornecimento, otimização, análise de cenários, planejamento, biodieselred de suministro, optimización, análisis de escenarios, planeación, biodiesel
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