Published May 27, 2022


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Hugo Santiago Aguirre Mayorga



Business processes are the backbone of any organization and their innovation is one of the critical factors to achieve the objectives of digital transformation. There are different methodological approaches for process improvement such as reengineering, lean, six sigma, which were not initially developed to support the digital transformation of processes. This article proposes a methodological approach for innovation and process digital transformation, which consists of four phases: strategic alignment, diagnosis and analysis of the state, process innovation and digital process transformation. In each of these phases, activities and tools are proposed that come mainly from the BPM (Business Process Management) and design thinking approach combined with others developed by the author. This methodology was applied in a case study for the innovation of a process of a company in the electricity sector in Colombia.


Transformación digital, innovación de procesos, BPM, pensamiento de diseñoDigital transformation, process innovation, BPM, design thinkingTransformação digital, inovação de processos, BPM, design thinking

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How to Cite
Aguirre Mayorga, H. S. (2022). Methodological approach for innovation and digital transformation of business processes. Case study. Cuadernos De Administración, 35.
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