Published Dec 1, 2009

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Gonzalo Gómez Betancourt

María Piedad López Vergara

Jose Bernardo Betancourt Ramírez



The goal of this study was to preliminarily identify the differential influence of family and patrimony visions on the growth of Colombian family organizations. The primary research model identified that there are several combination modes of these variables determining sales growth. In the first stage, we used the multi-method technique in a several case study of five companies, in order to classify the factors under analysis. The next stage made use of a series of surveys in 50 companies of different sectors and sizes, in order to test the proposals made. Finally, the analysis of the results was carried out through a x2 test for contingency tables. The p value indicated a statistically significant correlation between family vision and sales growth in Colombian family businesses.


crecimiento, desempeño, propiedad, visión familiar, visión patrimonial, empresa familiacrescimento, desempenho, propriedade, visão familiar, visão patrimonial, empresa familiargrowth, performance, property, family vision, wealth vision, family businesses

How to Cite
Gómez Betancourt, G., López Vergara, M. P., & Betancourt Ramírez, J. B. (2009). Preliminary study on the effects of family vision and wealth vision on the sales increase of Colombian family businesses. Cuadernos De Administración, 22(39). Retrieved from