Published Dec 2, 2008

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Gonzalo Gómez Betancourt

María Piedad López Vergara

José Bernardo Betancourt Ramírez



Executive succession is one of the most studied topics in the area of family businesses. That is not so for asset succession, which is essential to the continuity of businesses within the same family core. The objective of this multi-case exploratory study is to identify the factors that most influence the founder in choosing a mechanism for property succession (no testament, simple, national or international) in Colombian family businesses. Among the factors studied, those most inherent were (a) education (the founder’s educational level), (b) experience (negative situations in other successions), (c) security (difficulties in the Colombian environment), (d) culture (based on the concept of family entrapment), and (e) taxes (knowledge of liens).


Mecanismos de sucesión, sucesión patrimonial, derechos de propiedad, empresa familiarMecanismos de sucessão, sucessão patrimonial, direitos de propriedade, empresa familiarsuccession mechanisms, equity succession, property rights, family business

How to Cite
Gómez Betancourt, G., López Vergara, M. P., & Betancourt Ramírez, J. B. (2008). Exploratory Study on the Factors that Influence Choosing a Mechanism for Equity Succession in Colombian Family Businesses. Cuadernos De Administración, 21(37). Retrieved from