Published Jun 30, 2015


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Carlos Alberto Castro-Iragorri



The design and effective implementation of health security are one of the biggest challenges of society and, at the same time, it is the main way to guarantee the effective enjoyment of the right to health. A great challenge of these systems is managing the financial risk implicit in supplying health services. This research document explains to what extent this challenge can be framed within a quantitative management of financial risk problem. Although the use of these tools is not a novelty in the design of the health security system in Colombia, it is important to clarify their reach, the possible improvements that might be performed on them, and the challenges in the management of these risks, implicit to the current reform of the institutionality of the system.



control de riesgo, capitación, índice de severidad de la enfermedad, administración financiera, reforma de la atención de salud, implementación de plan de saludcontrolo de risco, capitação, índice de gravidade da doença, administração financeira, reforma do atendimento de saúde, implementação do plano de saúderisk control, capitation, illness severity score, financial management, reforms to the provision of health services, health plan implementation

How to Cite
Castro-Iragorri, C. A. (2015). Quantitative Management of Financial Risk in Supplying a Health Plan. Gerencia Y Políticas De Salud, 14(28).