Published Dec 9, 2015


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Remedios Calero Gimeno

Martina G. Gallarza-Granizo



Context: since the mid-2000s, the services marketing literature proposes Service-Dominant

Logic as an innovative strategic vision, based on the creation of greater value with - rather than for - the consumer. This paper seeks to explore their applicability to the health service. Methodology: by reviewing and discussing the theoretical of the specificity of the health service on the premises of the Service-Dominant Logic it has been demonstrated that: a) what its main characteristic elements are, b) how the co-creation of value is achieved in the scope of this service. Results: The credence nature, its critical character and its social dimension characterize the health service. With this reality, the co-creation of value in health care is obtained from the active participation of a patient becoming more informed and understanding of the complex balances of the doctor-patient relationship.


health services, marketing of health services, patient participation, physician-patient relation, patient complianceservicios de salud, marketing de servicios de salud, participación del paciente, relaciones médico-paciente, cooperación del pacienteserviços de saúde, marketing de serviços de saúde, participação do paciente, relacionamento médico-paciente, cooperação do paciente

How to Cite
Calero Gimeno, R., & Gallarza-Granizo, M. G. (2015). Applicability of Service-Dominant Logic to the health sector: characterizing the service for the co-creation of value. Gerencia Y Políticas De Salud, 14(29).

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