Published Jun 30, 2016


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Pablo Antonio Cabello Granado

José Manuel Arévalo-Velasco



Objective: getting to know the total cost of each type of bedsore (pressure sores), as it is a chronical injury commonly seen in patients with low mobility. Method: We realized a retrospective review of clinical records for the 2008 to 2011 period, corresponding to the plastic surgery activity records of the Paraplegic Hospital. Results: the ischial pressure sore is the most commonly treated (43.27%), and also shows the lowest total cost (€ 57,196.29). The highest cost of a bedsore due to its location corresponds to sacral pressure sores (40.41%, being the second most frequent type, with a total cost of € 112,012.96). Conclusions: Faced with these treatment costs, prevention campaigns are established in an attempt to prevent these high costs to the National Health System.


úlcera por presión, economía de la salud, costo de enfermedad, prevención terciaria, sistemas de salud, financiación de la atención de la saludúlceras de pressão, economia da saúde, custo de doenças, prevenção terciaria, sistemas de saúde, financiamento do atendimento em saúdepressure ulcer, health economics, cost of illness, tertiary prevention, health systems, healthcare financing

How to Cite
Cabello Granado, P. A., & Arévalo-Velasco, J. M. (2016). Estimation of the Sanitary Cost of Bedsores (Pressure Sores) in Patients with Medullary Lesions. Gerencia Y Políticas De Salud, 15(30).
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