Published Jan 19, 2017


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Julio Nicolás Torres-Ospina

César Augusto Vanegas-Díaz

Carlos Enrique Yepes-Delgado



Faced with the usual cold relationships established in the pediatric intensive care units (PICU) between the health personnel and the families of hospitalized children, some physicians of the Pablo Tobon Uribe hospital, aiming for an improvement in the communication, developed a strategy that promoted assertive dialogue and listening, after implementing a “Patient and Family-Focused Care” model. The experience systematization methodology allowed for a reflective analysis of the testimonials collected during the multiple encounters between the health personnel and 820 relatives. Results, in terms of learning, evidence an integral attention involving the family as the subject of care, raising awareness on the psychological repercus­sions implied by the experience of staying in the PICU, and encouraged a critical reflection from the health personnel regarding the attention offered to the families of the patients during the daily clinical practice.


quality of health care, tertiary health care, patient-focused care, humanization of care, critical care, communicationcalidad de la atención de salud, atención terciaria de salud, atención dirigida al paciente, humanización de la atención, cuidados críticos, comunicaciónqualidade do atendimento em saúde, atenção terciaria de saúde, atendimento ao paciente, humanização do atendimento, cuidados críticos, comunicação

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How to Cite
Torres-Ospina, J. N., Vanegas-Díaz, C. A., & Yepes-Delgado, C. E. (2017). Patient and Family-Focused Care in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit of the Pablo Tobon Uribe Hospital. Systematization of the Experience. Gerencia Y Políticas De Salud, 15(31).
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