Published Aug 30, 2017


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Kátia Bones-Rocha

Fernanda Torres de Carvalho

João Luís Almeida-Weber

Nalu Silvana-Both

Adolfo Pizzinato



Objective: to evaluate the impact of the implementation of counseling and rapid testing of HIV and sexually transmitted infections in a specialized HIV counseling and diagnosis center (CE). Method: analytical study with an intervention group and a control group; a comparison was established between the monthly means of tests and counseling sessions performed in a specialized center that implemented the HIV rapid test for all patients (case CE) and another specialized center which uses the traditional form of the test (diagnosis in thirty days) (control CE). Results: CE (case) had a significant increase in the number of tests performed between the two periods. In the CE (case) there was a decrease in the proportion of people in the general population who were tested and an increase in the people most vulnerable to HIV. Conclusions: the implementation of the rapid test had a positive impact on the number of tests carried out and also on the access provided to people in vulnerable situations.


AIDS, HIV, health care, STIs, public health policies, health care quality, access, evaluationSida, VIH, ITS, atención de salud, políticas públicas en salud, caldiad, acceso, evaluación de la atención de saludAids, HIV, sistemas de saúde, Infecções sexualmente transmissíveis, políticas públicas de saúde, qualidade do sistema de saúde, acesso, avaliação

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How to Cite
Bones-Rocha, K., Torres de Carvalho, F., Almeida-Weber, J. L., Silvana-Both, N., & Pizzinato, A. (2017). Impact of the Implementation of the Rapid HIV/STI Test in a Specialized Care Center in Brazil. Gerencia Y Políticas De Salud, 16(32), 108–119.
Estudios e Investigaciones