Published Aug 15, 2018


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Marisol Luna Contreras

Claudio Alberto Dávila Cervantes



In Mexico, suicides have increased for more than forty years ago. is article aims to analyze the factors associated to the suicide attempts by Mexican teenagers in three different time points: at twelve month before the survey; any time between the survey and the 12-month point; and any time in the teenager’s life. Binomial logistic regression models were adjusted in order to explore the suicide attempt types under a multiple correspondence analysis. Women showed a higher suicide attempt prevalence, but it was lower among the younger ones. Having been assaulted or being in educational backwardness led to an increase in the suicidal intent; it was also an increase thereof among tobacco- or alcohol-consuming teenagers. Suicide prevention should be focused on the attempts, which is the main risk factor and prevention efforts should target the youngest women, those teenagers in educational backwardness who, either smoke or consume alcohol, or who underwent a violence event recently.


suicide, Mexico, suicide attempt, teenager, prevalence, public healthsuicidio, México, intento de suicidio, adolescente, prevalencia, salud públicasuicídio, México, tentativa de suicídio, adolescente, prevalência, saúde pública

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How to Cite
Contreras, M. L., & Dávila Cervantes, C. A. (2018). Teenagers at Risk: Factors Associated to Suicide Attempts in Mexico. Gerencia Y Políticas De Salud, 17(34).