Interprofessional care strategies in postpartum health care. An integrative review of clinical practice
Introduction. Primary Health Care aims to promote maternal health, prevention and treatment of complications during gestation and the postpartum period. Objective. To analyze the literature relating to multi-professional postpartum care in Primary Health Care. Methods. Searches were done with health science descriptors (Patient Assistant Team, Postpartum Period and Primary Health Care), in the following databases: Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences (LILACS), Embase, Web of Science, Cochrane Library and Medline. Published and indexed articles of these databases relating to postpartum care were included. Results. Quantitative synthetic analyses include 12 publications. The following postpartum care services were observed: home visits, medical assistance, psychological assistance, health education, nutritional assistance, and accommodation. Conclusion. To strengthen the knowledge and practices of care during this period, professionals must identify the support scenario for the mother-child binomial. Thus, using home visits as a primary instrument must be a field of action for the whole team. They must develop an interprofessional collaboration and a contextualized approach to the physical and mental aspects of health.
Equipo de atención al paciente, periodo posparto, atención primaria en saludEquipe de Assistência ao Paciente, Período Pós-Parto, Atenção Primária à SaúdePatient care team, postpartum period, primary health care
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