Published May 19, 2022


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Deivis Guzman-Tordecilla

Diana Carolina Pinzón-Silva

Claudia Y. Perea Aragón



Abstract: Introduction: Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) optimize medical attention based on the best available evidence. In Colombia, there are more than 60 CPGs based on evidence since 2013. Such tools have been promoted by national and international organizations. However, published information from a sample of multiple Health Care Providers (HSPs) on the use of these tools in practice is limited.

Objective: To Identify factors that the HSPs associate with knowledge, barriers and use of CPGs prepared by the Government of Colombia as of 2013.

Methods: Cross-sectional study with simple random sampling replaced by Colombian departments that sent surveys to HSPs via email during 2019. Multivariate models were used to identify factors associated with knowledge, barriers, and use of CPGs.

Results: 91 % of the responses from the HSPs reported knowing the CPGs, and 85 % had used them at some time. It was identified that in private HSPs, young staff and those who perform administrative tasks are more likely to access the CPGs. Likewise, in HSPs of low complexity, young and administrative personnel are the ones who reported the greatest use of the CPGs. Finally, clinical staff reported the greatest challenges in using the guidelines.

Conclusions: Knowledge and use of CPGs is high among HSPs. However, the presence of barriers when using them constitutes an opportunity to improve the implementation and adherence to the CPGs in the HSPs.

Objective: to Identify factors that HSP associate with the knowledge, barriers, and use of the CPGs prepared by the Government of Colombia since 2013.

Methods: Cross-sectional study with a simple random sampling with replacement by Colombian departments that sent surveys to HSP through e-mail in November and December of 2019. Multivariate models were used to identify individual and institutional factors associated with knowledge, barriers, and use of CPG.

Results: 91% of the answers were aware of the CPG and 85% have used them at some point. However, 89% perceived barriers when using CPG. Private HSP were less likely to use CPG.

Conclusions: the knowledge and use of CPG are high, however, the presence of barriers when using them constitutes an opportunity for improvement of the dissemination and implementation of CPG in HSP.  


Practice Guidelines as Topic, Health Plan Implementation, Adherence, Health Services, Health Systems, ColombiaGuías de Práctica Clínica como Tema, Implementación de Plan de Salud, Adherencia, Sistemas de Salud, Servicios de Salud, Colombiaguias de prática clínica como tema, implementação de plano de saúde, adesão, sistemas de saúde, serviços de saúde, Colômbia

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How to Cite
Guzman-Tordecilla, D., Pinzón-Silva, D. C., & Perea Aragón, C. Y. (2022). Clinical Practice Guidelines: Implementation in Health Service Providers in Colombia during 2019. Gerencia Y Políticas De Salud, 21.