Event Triggering Business Interruption Insurance and the Ordinary Delay to Policy Lapsation
The Civil Chamber of Colombia’s Supreme Court in Decision SC 7814-2016 of 15th June 2016 reversed a Second Degree Decision referred to the business interruption cover in fire insurance. In this Decision the Supreme Court held the notion that in Colombian law exist about loss in the business interruption insurance. This article describes the position of the Supreme Court in the local discussion of insurance law and tries to align the Court’s arguments in an international academic dialogue. Further, our query tended to find prospective elements to improve the Colombian insurance law system. Hence, we will develop in a first moment the academic discussion about the business interruption insurance (I) to later describe the Supreme Court’s arguments concerning the question about the period of policy lapsation (II).
business interruption insurance, gross profit insurance, notion of loss, lapse of policy, property insurance, right’s activation, insurer´s duty to payseguro de lucro cesante, forma inglesa, definición de siniestro, prescripción, derecho de daños, consolidación, contenido obligacional, exigibilidad