Published Aug 19, 2011

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Diana Marcela Achury Saldaña

Luisa Fernanda Achury



Sleep in critical patients must be considered as a need of resting, clearly tied to comfort and well-being of the patients; it slowly increases its importance in the development of strategies, interventions and lines of investigation. At the intensive care units any professional denies neither the agressive environment to which critical patients are exposed to, nor the dissatisfaction of needs such as the sleep itself. Giving the above points, it becomes necessary for professionals of nursing to know the impact of the privation of sleep, the factors that influence and develop interventions directed to provide an integral care that allows the dreaming in the critical patient as a necessary component in the phisycal and emotional recovery. This articles presents some theorems of the physiology of sleep will bw described, such as: Functions, effects of the privation of sleep, influential factors, tools of valuation of the quality and quantity of dreaming and the interventions of nursing.

How to Cite
Achury Saldaña, D. M., & Achury, L. F. (2011). Sleep in critical care patient: a dissatisfied need in the intensive care units. Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 12(1), 25–42. Retrieved from
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