Published Aug 5, 2011

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Edy Salazar



The public health has been in the last century the dynamo being in the application of strategies to maintain the health and to try to diminish and to handle the prevalentes diseases of great communitarian groups. These strategies have been denominated education for the health, promotion of the health and prevention of the disease; in order to manage to fulfill these actions at communitarian level, the interference of great organizations has been necessary: the Pan-American Organization of health (OPS), the Sanitary Pan-American Office and the world-wide Organization of the Health (the WHO), who have not only acted to base strategic plans, but in the elaboration of public policies referred to promote and to protect the health and the life of the most vulnerable and unprotected people of the planet, in terms to provide means necessary to exert greater control on the own health and thus to be able to improve it with the implementation of the ethic and the bioethic. In these terms the action of these two disciplines have oriented the fundamentation and the reflection on acting between disciplines, as it conceives Daniel Callahan, when it defines that the cultural bioethic, is related to the historical, ideological context, cultural and social in which it lives and it express the person; the clinical bioethic, considers the taking daily of moral decisions on which it is due to make to take care of the health and the life; and the normative bioethic, identifies with the rules and the norms that orient the decision making in cases and situations that require ethical-legal solutions and application of the public policies.

How to Cite
Salazar, E. (2011). Strategies of public health and ethical and bioethical considerations in health care and life. Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 7(1), 76–83. Retrieved from
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