Published May 10, 2013


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Luis David Duran-Lerma, BSc

Yesid Aguilar-Castro, PhD

Oscar Hernandez-Perez, MSc

Renzo Victoria-Prado, BSc

Gonzalo Fernando Casanova-Garcia, MSc



This paper evaluated the effect of the welding deposits geometry in the wear of sugarcane rolls made of steel, coated with a layer of stainless steel and high-chromium white cast iron nuggets. A prototype was built which allows the simulation of the tribological pair steel-bagasse, mineral particles found in sugarcane mills. In terms of deposit geometry we evaluated radial nuggets varying the distance between them (step) and its inclination angle (B). As the secondary mineral we used silica with an AFS grain fineness number of 50/70. The wear was measured as the loss in specimen weight loss. We used scanning electron microscopy to analyze the worn surfaces. We found that a wear increased swiftly at the beginning of the process and tended to become constant constant as friction increases throughout the trajectory. We determined that geometry influences corrosion. The corrosion mechanisms found on the surfaces were plastic micro deformation or ploughing, and micro cut or cutting, generated by the silica particles.


Corrosion, sugarcane mills, corrosion mechanisms, weld deposits, sugarcane rollsDesgaste, molinos de caña, mecanismos de desgaste, depósitos de soldadura, mazas

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How to Cite
Duran-Lerma, L. D., Aguilar-Castro, Y., Hernandez-Perez, O., Victoria-Prado, R., & Casanova-Garcia, G. F. (2013). Effect of the coating welding geometry on the wear of low carbon steel in contact with sugarcane bagasse. Ingenieria Y Universidad, 17(1), 127–144.

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