Published Mar 16, 2012


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William Gómez-Rivera, MSc

William Aperador-Chaparro, PhD

Arnoldo Emilio Delgado-Tobón, MSc



Colombia has a wind potential of nearly 21,000 MW. Nevertheless, the technology used so far is totally foreign and the knowledge currently available in Colombia for producing wind turbines at an industrial level is not sufficient. This article describes the first development stage for lowpower (200 W) wind turbine rotors, and presents the selection process of the aerodynamic parameters involved in the design and implementation of two rotors with different profiles (NACA 4412 and NACA 2509). It includes the corresponding mechanical modeling, the aerodynamic and structural analysis of the two rotors, as well as an energy efficiency comparison under laboratory conditions.


Design of rotors, air-turbines, wind power industry, scientific and technological developmentDiseño de rotores, turbinas de aire, industria de energía eólica, desarrollo científico y tecnológico

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How to Cite
Gómez-Rivera, W., Aperador-Chaparro, W., & Delgado-Tobón, A. E. (2012). Rotor development for a small wind turbine (200 Watts) through of Local technology implementation. Ingeniería Y Universidad, 15(2).

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